Saturday 4th May 2024


Please read the disclaimer below before registering.

Please see below for this years timings.

Horsebox parking will be in Wallace green and the parade car parks from 8am.

Horses/ponies must not be left unattended in, or tied to horseboxes or trailers at any time!



Timings are approximate and dependant on weather conditions and any delays on route.

9.30am - Judging of Best Turned Out classes.

9.45am - All riders to be mounted.

10.00am - Call to Order. Riders to assemble behind the Chief Marshal and proceed to the Barracks Square.

10.30am - Cavalcade will leave the Barracks and proceed to the Guildhall via Walkergate.

10.40am - The Chief Marshal will arrive at the Guildhall to seek permission from the Mayor to ride the Boundaries.

10.45am - Cavalcade leaves the Guildhall.

11.15am - Riders arrive at the Jingling Bridge. Procession will continue along Seaview, Newfields and onto old road. V.P.1

11.25am - A1 Roundabout crossing, along A1 and onto Conundrum Farm road.

11.45am - Riders will proceed along the fields to The Border Wall. V.P.2

12.05pm - Arrive at Woodhills.

12.25pm - Duns road crossing. V.P.3

12.45pm - On to Bridleway.

13.00pm - Top of New Mills.

13.15pm - River crossing at New Mills. ( If river conditions are not suitable, horses will continue along track and cross via Canty’s Bridge.) V.P.4 (NO CARS PLEASE – ON-FOOT SPECTATORS ONLY AT NEW MILLS.)

13.30pm - Riders arrive at Gainslaw Farm. The optional gallop around the Point will take place immediately weather permitting, these riders will arrive at Gainslaw Farm at approximately 13.45pm. V.P.5 Gallop can be viewed from Canty’s Bridge.



14.45pm - Trotting Races ( weather permitting)

15.05pm - Cavalcade will depart Gainslaw Farm and head down over the Bridge, turning off into Cantys car park and continuing off-road up to Baldersbury. V.P.6

15.20pm - Arrive at Baldersbury hill. V.P.7

15.30pm - Letham Shanks and flyover bridge crossing. ( Private Farm – No viewing points)

15.50pm - Chief Marshal receives the Flag at bottom of Castle Terrace. V.P.8

16.00pm – Cavalcade arrives at The Guildhall. Chief Marshal will report to the Mayor and return the Flag. V.P.9

Riders return to Wallace green and parade car parks.

Everyone is welcome to join us after at The Guildhall for refreshments and prize giving.


DISCLAIMER - please read.

  1. Riders participate at their own risk.

  2. Horsebox parking in Wallace green and parade car parks.

  3. Riders please assemble in parade car park.

  4. Marshals are appointed to assist in the smooth running of the cavalcade. Riders must obey their instructions at all times. Marshals can be identified by an armband.

  5. The Lead Marshal is the pacemaker on the ride and should not be overtaken unless authorised to do so.

  6. The route taken by the Lead Marshal is the only route you should take.

  7. Riders are requested to keep in pairs at all times when the cavalcade is on a road or street.

  8. The ride is not suitable for lead rein. All riders must be able to keep up with the pace of the cavalcade.

  9. All horses must be 5 years old and over and fit for purpose. If there are any doubts raised by a member of the public or a ride marshal, the senior ride marshal will have the authority to ask to see the horse’s passport.

  10. If a rider requires emergency assistance a Marshal should help. In the absence of a Marshal only one or two riders should stop and help. All other riders should carry on unless halted by the Lead Marshal.

  11. If a rider has to leave the ride it may be quicker to return by road. If returning through fields always remember to close gates

  12. Any riders leaving the ride at any point will not be covered by the ride insurance and will not be allowed to re-join the ride.

  13. Riders who fail to obey instructions may be asked to leave the ride.

  14. It is compulsory for riders to wear protective head gear to British Standard requirements at all times when mounted.

  15. ‘ICE’ identification wristbands will be offered to all riders on the morning of the ride. These will be compulsory for riders under 16 years of age.

  16. First Aid will be in attendance. In the event of a fall or injury, riders are required to be assessed by a medic. You may continue with the ride if the medic considers you fit to do so. Anyone who refuses medical assistance and continues to ride does so at their own risk. Anyone who suffers a fall or injury must report to a Marshal at Gainslaw Hill or the Parade car park at the end of the ride to fill out an accident form.

  17. Official quad bikes only.

  18. ** If you are hiring a horse - please ensure you have contact details for the person responsible for the horse on the day. If you are unable to continue on the ride for any reason the horse may need to be collected from a safe point on the route, or the horse may need to be ridden by a 'spare rider' until it can be collected.

  19. No horses are to be left unattended at any time in (or tied to) trailers or horseboxes                 
